October 15, 2010

And the winner is ...

Drumroll Maestro, please ...

The winner of the "Mystery Woman" Giveaway is ...

Didem of DreamyVintage

Didem will receive a copper maple leaf mini-dish for correctly identifying this little lady (yes, she stood only 5 feet tall) as ...

"Little Sure Shot"
Annie Oakley

Congratulations, Didem!

And kudos to everyone who recognized Annie!

And a huge "Thank You!" to everybody who participated in the giveaway! You've made it such fun, especially for me, that I'm already planning another "Mystery" event. So please check back often to see what's up!


  1. Congrats to Didem!! It was fun to participate, Mollie. I'm looking forward to the next one...

  2. YaY, Didem! Congrats, you winner, you!!
    Mollie, keep `em coming ~ that was fun...
    Stevie j

  3. Lucky Didem! I didn't guess as I think I wrote i had no idea and gave up! However, what a nice way to offer a gift (the leaf is lovely) and to use your blog, Mollie!!

  4. Congrats to Didem! That was a lot of fun can't wait until the next one!

  5. Congrats to Didem... and congrats to Mollie for such an adventurous giveaway! Always lots of surprises under her hat!

  6. Oh...I do hope you're both feeling better! I've been sending healing thoughts your way!

  7. Big Congratulations Didem...YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Mollie and Joe...seems Olde Annie here done plum tuckered you both out!! Chicken soup is the Bestest, and I bet you make a mean batch of it Mollie!! Feel Better both of you and I'm sending big waves of healing love....

  8. Congratulations! I was utterly clueless!
    Great contest, Mollie!

  9. Congrats to the lucky winner and a hug from me and a warm lick from you know who to you and Joe Mollie, hope you´re feeling better, Lesli x

  10. Thank you so much everybody and MOLLIE! It was great fun to play. I am very happy and excited for the beautiful gift :)
