Exactly eight months ago today, one day after his birthday, Joe and I drove 18 miles to the grocery store, did our shopping, drove 18 miles home. I haven't ventured beyond the end of our driveway since then, and Joe has twice driven 1/4 mile up the road and back - just to keep the car running.
Yes, tomorrow will mark the beginning of our ninth month under voluntary "house arrest."
The reason for our isolation needs no explanation, but this must be said: We have been "thrown in the briar patch." There's no place on earth either of us would rather be than right here, nobody we'd rather be with than each other and, of course, The Cat.Speaking of The Cat, here's an example of one of the many projects that have kept us hopping since March 11th ... and promise to keep on making us hop.
The Nine Lives of a Copper Cat
Yes, it's true. Our Copper Cat Brooch does indeed have nine lives, non-traditional though they may be. This cute kitty goes through 9 stages of existence - from rough concept sketch to finished work of wearable art.
Life # 1. The idea is rendered in pencil on graph paper. This is our original drawing - with erasures and changes visible.

Life # 2. A piece, usually a scrap, of industrial sheet copper
is selected and thoroughly cleaned, the template
is positioned on, traced and hand cut with shears.

Life # 3. After filing and buffing removes any burrs or rough edges, our newborn kitten pounces on the flatiron anvil.

Life # 4. And gets a pounding. Hand formed wire
patterns and nails create the stamped features and
details; hammers add a primitive, rustic texture.

Life # 5. Steel wool brings extra shine and smoothness.

Life # 6. A hinged metal pin back is positioned
and secured with nontoxic, eco-friendly solder.

Life # 7. A flame bath adds a colorful palette and patina.

Life # 8. The final inspection ...

Life # 9. Ready to be adopted!

May all your Cats' lives be happy,
and may they make you happy too!

To see the brooch in our shop, please click this image.
To explore our Rough Magic Creations shop, this one.